Saturday, 15 December 2007

Tomato And Egg

These 2 ingredients are rather versatile. You can either cook them in a soup or as a stir-fry.

- 2 tomatoes (washed & cut)
- 2 eggs (beaten)
- thin slice of ginger (optional)

- pinch of salt added to the eggs

Method (for stir-fry):
- heat a tablespoon oil in the wok, fry ginger until fragrant
- put in tomatoes & stir-fry for a minute
- add eggs, fry until eggs are cooked
- add a little water or soup stock if you prefer it moist

Method (for soup):
- boil about 450ml of water or soup stock in a pot
- add ginger, tomatoes when water is boiling briskly, cook for 2 minutes
- turn down heat, add beaten eggs while stirring the soup

There you go! 2 recipes for the same ingredients. Choose either one to suit your mood or match other dishes served.

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